Lately, innovation has unmistakably affected a few businesses. Organizations like Uber, AirBnB, and Netflix have been pioneers of change and interruption, rethinking the areas of transportation, convenience, and stimulation with new and imaginative business models. The managing an account industry, on the other hand, hasn’t seen much advancement and clients’ accounts are still responsible for a modest bunch of built up players that work in an exceptionally conventional form.
Be that as it may, with the progressions of innovation, development has been fast to fill the hole in fund – interfacing money and innovation (FinTech) to convey suggestions that better fit the requirements and needs of the populace. A few cases of these supposed FinTechs include: Transferwise, Betterment, Oscar, Lufax, ZhongAn, and so on. The bank of the future does not just offer installments with cryptographic forms of money yet in addition has a completely incorporated commercial center of FinTechs.

Change has partnered with the e-Residency project by the government of Estonia, the most advanced digital society in the world. Change will be available to its projected 10 million e-Residents including Tim Draper and Edward Lucas.
Change is widely supported in the industry. Their mission to create a global FinTech network that defies the norms of traditional banking has inspired several big names to support them.
Vision for Future of Banking
Change mobile application starts with the e-Know-Your-Customer (KYC) platform. It can on-board users from anywhere in the world, in record-time and requesting no more than the necessary information. Change will automatically validate the users’ transactions with other third-party service providers through Tokenised KYC Information Sharing. Their quest towards finance without borders starts here, designing a modern bank that is global from day one.
A crypto wallet, engineered to break the norm and give users control over their cryptocurrencies in the most intuitive and easy way. Change’s application facilitates the storage of all major cryptocurrencies, easy management of crypto portfolios, simple
transfers of funds between peers, and a multitude of other functionalities.
Change's very own cryptocurrency spending card brings cryptocurrencies to offline use. First 500 cards are given to first 500 token sale contributors of at least 50 ETH. In addition you will be earning rewards by paying with Change Tokens.
When it comes to traditional banks and their key financial products offering, banks are "Jacks of all trades, master of none". Financial companies specialising on a single service offering, outperform banks but require separate onboarding. The comfort of getting all your financial services from a single source, has favoured traditional banks to win over specialised companies in the past. Change marketplace aggregates the best ways to invest, insure or lend and lets you use these services from a single interface & wallet.
Think of Change like an "AppStore" for specialised financial service companies that outperform your bank, while removing the need to sign up or deposit funds to these services individually. Invest in a diversified stock portfolio or real estate, finance loans, sign travel insurance - all from one seamless interface with complete transparency and zero delay.
Traditional banks have out-lived their time - sub-par consumer experience, not enough transparency, inability to cater to millennials' lifestyle. Change aims to re-invent the way people manage their finances. More efficiency, more productivity and most of all transparency - means better results. In 2018, Change has set to launch the first global financial technology marketplace on blockchain.
A token sale is the sale of a new cryptocurrency or token created by a company to its earliest adopters, in exchange for funding for further development. It is a sophisticated and democratic way to raise funds, where every investor – big or small – can participate.
At Change, they are building the first global bank, providing a revolutionary service to people from all around the world. Our mission is to remove borders in the financial sector, and to ensure that every citizen has access to alternative financial services, finally ending the artificial monopoly created by local regulators and traditional banks.
As we are a bank for the people, we hold our community in high regard. We humbly invite anyone who shares our vision to join our movement and create Change.
Change is raising a total of 200,000 Ether. Investors can use Ether to enter the Token sale. Minimum investment: 0.5 ETH Exchange rate: 1ETH=500CAG
Early investors will be rewarded with discounts and exclusive access to a Change Maker status, and a premium Change Black card. The first 500 investors will receive a discount of 30%, with other pre-sale discounts to be announced.
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