BATMINE have a great solution for the future environment of industry which will be based on the Blockchain platform. As we are taking blockchain technology as very concern for future development, we have to keep a few things in consideration and these are cost and energy.
Company Overview
Blockchain Applied Technology Ltd
Mara Gidik street N21, et,1
8000 Burgas, Bulgaria
And it’s 100% subsidiary company Blockchain Applied Technology Ltd., Rybna 24, 110 00 Praha 1, The Czech Republic.
There are several ways to get involved in crypto mining
BatMine will generate revenues from:
- Mining of cryptocurrency,
- Mining-as-a-Service
- Custodial Services,
- Hardware sales.
The profit (income in mined cryptocurrency + received fiat/crypto -/- costs and tax reserve) is distributed as follows:
- 30% is distributed to our Silent Partners that invested in the project, for a period of 10 years (until March 2029),
- 33% is used to replace hardware,
- 20% is used for further development of our own miners, and
- 17% remains in the Company and will be used for other Company cost and expansion.
In the case at times less hardware replacement or R&D costs are needed than the dedicated percentages of the distributable revenues, then these gains are shared 50-50 between the Silent Partners and BatMine.
All revenues are distributed monthly on the 15th (or the first working day after) of the month following the previous calendar month. Revenues are distributed in the currency in which they are received from the market. Hence BTC revenue is paid in BTC, ETH in ETH, and EUR in EUR. If it will be possible they will develop smart contracts for automatic distribution.
Token Information: BATM Tokens are utility tokens that can be exchanged for all BatMine services including exchanging them for mining services and custodial services.
- Token name: BitMine
- Symbol: BATM
- Decimals: 18
- Type: ERC20
- Technology: Ethereum
- Token use: BATM Tokens are utility tokens that can be exchanged for all BatMine services
- Purchase options: ETH
- Purchase options: 750 BATM Tokens are gifted to investors for every 1 ETH invested.
- Unsold tokens: Non-sold and/or non-distributed tokens will be burned
- Hard cap: 19,000,000 EUR in ETH
- Soft cap: 1,000,000 EUR in ETH
- ICO duration: 02.01.2019 to March
- ICO Time schedule: 02.01.2019 – March
- Bonuses: (Whitelisted participants only) up to 20%
- Lock up: All tokens will be locked up until the end of the ICO (until March) or after the Hard Cap is reached, plus 15 days.
- Silent Partnership Agreement (SPA): Silent Partnership Agreements will be electronically signed with every participant. Silent Partnership Agreements are transferable.
BATM Tokens will be Ethereum-based ERC20 tokens. ERC20 is a technical standard used for smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain for implementing tokens for accessing service offered by BatMine.
In exchange for Bounty Tokens, investors must become a valuable member of BatMine community. The more you help to promote and advance the concept the bigger “Proof of Care” allocation you will receive.
- Q4 2017 Conception of the idea to do an ICO. (Market research into ICOs and into legal options of profit sharing with investors. Verification of Silent Partnership Framework with the Czech National Bank.)
- Q1 2018 Market research, concept brainstorming.
- Q2 2018 Project concept formulation, Market research, Gathering information on the newest technology, Profit sharing concept, First ICO Drafts
- Q3 2018 ICO preparation, Whitepaper, Investment Agreement, Website etc.
- Q4 2018 ICO finalization, preliminary contact with institutional investors.
- Q1 2019 ICO execution
- Q2 2019 Location for the mine, Electricity connection, Purchase of the needed Equipment, all setup- and preparatory activities, installation of first miners.
- Q3 2019 Miners installed and mining. First profit sharing.