Bitcointalk forum is a place where you get updates about each and every information about cryptocurrency. I don’t know how many of you are familiar with this forum, but is a forum run by people for people where every user has the opportunity to get reward for contributing to the forum. Forum offers signature campaigns. And signature campaigning is really a great source for residual income in free time. This is the easiest one, just visit and make an account there.
Firstly when you register you will get the rank of Newbie.
At this level, you will get a lower reward but as you increase your performance and more contribution will increase your level to the second rank of Junior, then Member, then full, then senior, then hero, then Legendary.
As you increase level you will get higher rewards. And I think writing a review of 5 to 10 sentence is not a hard job can be done any time in a day.
So First of visit and make an account there.
Then join the signature campaigns that are available

If you are not familiar with what a sig campaign is, it’s basically a method where you can advertise a link in your forum account’s signature, and get paid for it in bitcoins. Although if you are a newbie account you will be paid less, so you need to be active in order to rank up.
Higher rank members earn a good amount of BTC every day or every week depends on the payment cycle as daily/weekly/biweekly/monthly.
The Signature Campaign: What, How & When?
Even though Bitcoin has its very own Wikipedia page, it’s not as comprehensive as you would think. Most people prefer to stick to the BitcoinTalk forum in order to remain up-to-date regarding Bitcoin Altcoins and its technological advancements. However, there is a lot to learn on BitcoinTalk, once you get past the elitist attitude of most of its members and moderators.
There is an added bonus to frequenting the BitcoinTalk forums, as being an active member also lets you join a signature campaign. A signature campaign is often organized by an individual, group, or company that wants to promote a certain coin, platform, or service. Most of these services will revolve around gambling or cloud mining, but they pay rather handsomely.
So, what is a signature campaign? Look at it as a form of advertisement without the need to create a fancy image. By advertising a certain coin, service, or platform in your forum signature, that message will be visible to anyone browsing the same topics like the ones you posted in. This is also why all forum signatures require you to post a minimum number of posts on a daily/weekly/biweekly/monthly basis.
Depending on your user rank on the BitcoinTalk forums (Junior member, member, Senior Member, or Hero member) you are entitled to a different payout structure compared to other users. The higher your forum rank, the higher your payment will be. Increasing your rank can be achieved by being active on the BitcoinTalk forum without spamming too much.
Most signature campaigns on BTCTalk can be found in the Services section here.
Why Signature campaign?
You can’t combine a forum signature campaign and various Bitcoin faucets to earn small chunks of a BTC. However, Bitcoin faucets will teach you nothing new about Bitcoin, whereas forum signature campaigns “force” you to participate in conversations in order to meet your post count criteria by contributing.
And as you engage more conversations, you will also learn more about Bitcoin, the technology, exchanges, mining, and all of the platforms built on top of the Bitcoin blockchain. After all, it is important to post constructive things which add to the conversation, instead of posting random messages such as “I agree” or “LOL” or “bump”, as those will not count towards your forum signature goal. Plus, they might get you banned for spamming as well.
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very informative
This is really an Eye-opener. Thank you.
Very educative, Thanks for helping out. Cheers!
I’ve been trading cryptos for 2 years now and I can say that over $150 billion dollars was made worldwide and has made millions of traders rich. I trade litecoin, bitcoin and the rest. With just half a bitcoin, you can make up to 3 bitcoins in a week.
Thanks for the Infos – playing with signatures and BBC.
Bitcointalk forum is the great platform to get update about everything regarding cryptocurrency, I just liked it.
how to post signature campaign can you please tell me? thanks
this piece of information you shared is quite educative. thanks